
You can also browse my Google Scholar profile.

I have collaborated with researchers from following institutes.

  • Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
  • Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


T. B. Hewage, S. Ilager, M. A. Rodriguez, P. Arroba and R. Buyya, "DEMOTS: A Decentralized Task Scheduling Algorithm for Micro-Clouds with Dynamic Power-Budgets"
Paper IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) 2023 Chicago, IL, USA


  • 2023
    T. B. Hewage, S. Ilager, M. A. Rodriguez, P. Arroba and R. Buyya, "DEMOTS: A Decentralized Task Scheduling Algorithm for Micro-Clouds with Dynamic Power-Budgets"
    Paper IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) 2023 Chicago, IL, USA
    T. B. Hewage, S. Ilager, M. A. Rodriguez, and R. Buyya, "CloudSim express: A novel framework for rapid low code simulation of cloud computing environments"
    Paper Code Software: Practice and Experience 2023 Vol.: 54, Issue: 3